Company Assortment » Roof Substrate Classic
Product description: Roof Substrate Classic
- Is based on subsoil, compost, crushed brick, gravel and sand.
- Is suitable for roof planting by intensive green mainly, we recommend using the 20 cm thick layer of substrate.
- Is suitable for flat roofs.
- Is suitable when using the drainage-hydrotopic layers.
- Is not blown from the silo.
- Is supplied in bulk or in big-bags.
- Weight: 1m3 in dry consistence = 1,1 – 1,2 tons.
- Weight: 1m3 in wet consistence = 1,45 tons.
- Water capacity: 37%
Part of the offer of the company Strešné substráty, spol. s r.o. (Roof Substrates, Ltd.) includes counselling in the area of green roofs, roof gardens as well as training for gardeners in handling of roof substrates. If you are interested in consulting and training, do not hesitate to contact us.