Company Assortment
Substrates attributes
The roof substrates attributes enable to use them as from 6 cm thick layer for extensive roof planting (with rock plants eventually with xeric grass). On the contrary the extraordinary attributes makes the intensive roof substrates suitable for a construction of green roofs with a high substrate layer, which allows out-planting of classical green park (lawns, trees, ground wood, etc.)
The roof substrates common features in its technological parameters:
- Possibility to transport the substrates to the construction site in a silo/tank truck and its subsequent transportation – blowout to the roofs (including the high-rise buildings) through a hose-pipe.
- In the ideal conditions the substrate transportation is possible to the height up to 80 meters even without using a crane vertical transportation, storing on a construction site, additional movements and assisted accession.
- Low substrates weight which is in its dry consistency (1m3 = 1,0 ton) and in its wet consistency (1m3 = 1,39 tons), enables to use it already from a 6cm thick layer and allows ecological roof out-planting even at a low weight (from 84 kg/m2) and at a maximum substrate weight in its wet consistency.
- The roof substrates high absorption of water enables optimal growth of green along with ecological asset for a country by water intake in the country, cost reduction of roof gutter drainage, decreasing of the costs of air-conditioning in the buildings, and last but not least by decreasing the heat that radiates from the roofs.
Substrates are supplied:
- Pneumatically blown-out from a silo directly up to the roof.
- Packed in big-bags which has to be transported by a crane.
- In bulk, to be transferred on a regular terrain or at places that are accessible by loaders, etc.