Company Assortment - Roof substrates

Company Assortment

We offer different types of roof substrates suitable for wide-spectrum use from small overlays to development projects. It is natural for us to adapt the substrates used to the types of plants, trees and shrubs that will create a new biotope on the vegetation roof.

Company Assortment

Substrates attributes

The roof substrates attributes enable to use them as from 6 cm thick layer for extensive roof planting (with rock plants eventually with xeric grass). On the contrary the extraordinary attributes makes the intensive roof substrates suitable for a construction of green roofs with a high substrate layer, which allows out-planting of classical green park (lawns, trees, ground wood, etc.)

The roof substrates common features in its technological parameters:

  • Possibility to transport the substrates to the construction site in a silo/tank truck and its subsequent transportation – blowout to the roofs (including the high-rise buildings) through a hose-pipe.
  • In the ideal conditions the substrate transportation is possible to the height up to 80 meters even without using a crane vertical transportation, storing on a construction site, additional movements and assisted accession.
  • Low substrates weight which is in its dry consistency (1m3 = 1,0 ton) and in its wet consistency (1m3 = 1,39 tons), enables to use it already from a 6cm thick layer and allows ecological roof out-planting even at a low weight (from 84 kg/m2) and at a maximum substrate weight in its wet consistency.
  • The roof substrates high absorption of water enables optimal growth of green along with ecological asset for a country by water intake in the country, cost reduction of roof gutter drainage, decreasing of the costs of air-conditioning in the buildings, and last but not least by decreasing the heat that radiates from the roofs.

Substrates are supplied:

  • Pneumatically blown-out from a silo directly up to the roof.
  • Packed in big-bags which has to be transported by a crane.
  • In bulk, to be transferred on a regular terrain or at places that are accessible by loaders, etc.

Company Assortment

Ing. Martin Mikulaj from ZARES GROUP

IQ NET | Certification Quality Austria System ISO 9001:2008 No.08680/0
IQ NET | Certification Quality Austria System ISO 9001:2008 No.08680/0

Our company Strešné substráty is a professional and highly experienced producer of certified premium substrates for corporate and private clients. The composition of our substrates consists of high quality components and it meets the standards of the German Guidelines for the planning, execution and upkeep of green roof sites (FLL). Our extensive range of permanent high quality substrates provides the foundation of cutting edge, ecologically sustainable garden designs.

Ing. Martin Mikulaj

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